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Irrational violence as: terrorism, encourages by unrated means, domestic abuse, sexual assault, psychological disturbance and city horror like unhealthy contexts or thieve, are reprehensible phenomena which injuries millions of people around the world. We conceive that violence only could be acceptable at' rational and proportional displays like self-defence, either on a legitime preventive reaction regard to attend those listed situations (International Law framework in force, 2025).


Thereby, prioritizing the needed respect, and reaching the highest standards, we offer expert counseling on these topics addressed. This service has anticipated the vicissitudes on human behavior and remarks to don't pretend prolong attitudes of disability, nor dependency, neither to embed ideologies ain't personal opinions. Although this kind of analysis indeed refers to painful situations, on fear, shame, negation or constraint, there has had proved than violence call to be attend. 

Image by Stefano Pollio

IA Content Advisement

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